100% PLA Coated Paper Products
紙コップでコーヒーを飲むメリット May 18, 2023

デジタル時代でも、昔ながらのコーヒー紙カップは依然としてホットドリンクを提供する人気の方法です。実際、米国だけでも毎年 250 億個以上の紙コップが使用されていると推定されています。安価で便利で、洗浄や日常の飲料カップとしての再利用に適さない場合はリサイクルできます。


しかし、職場、カフェ、さらにはドライブスルーのファストフードレストランなど、温かい飲み物を飲めるさまざまな場所について考え始めると、アイスドリンクを紙カップで注文することが多くなるのが自然に思えてきます。 。


紙コップでコーヒーを飲むことの最も重要な利点の 1 つは、使い捨てであることです。そのため、コーヒーマグに比べて洗う手間がかからないのが大きなメリットです。陶器製のマグカップは環境に優しいとよく宣伝されていますが、紙コップはさらに環境に優しいのです。これは、使い捨てとして作られているため、飲み終わったらカップを捨てることができ、長期の使用には適していないためです。


2. 安いので割ったり紛失したりする心配がありません。




3. リサイクル可能ですが、食べ物や飲み物の汚れがない場合に限ります。

Coffee paper cups are easy can be recycled. As long as they’re clean and free from stains or food particles, you can recycle them. While this is true for all paper cups, it’s important to remember that you must not be adding coffee or other hot drinks to the paper cups.

If you do, you risk tainting the entire batch, which means that the paper will no longer be suitable for recycling.

So be sure to rinse the paper cups thoroughly before putting them on the recycling pile, and to use paper cups that are labeled as being suitable for hot beverages.

4. You can get all different kinds of drinks in paper cups: coffee, tea, hot chocolate, etc.

Coffee paper cups can be used to serve all kinds of drinks: coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and even fizzy drinks like cola and other sodas. You can order a hot drink in a coffee paper cup and then add ice to the cup if you want to order an iced beverage without having to buy a completely new cup.

If you want to order iced tea, you can add ice or pour iced water into the cup if it’s large enough. This way, you only have to use one cup throughout your entire visit to the coffee shop or café, which helps to prevent germs from spreading.

5. They’re easy to hold when they’re full of liquid; plus the lids are usually free!

Coffee paper cups are easy to hold when they’re full of hot (or cold) liquid. This is especially true if you order iced coffee or iced tea in a large paper cup: it’s unlikely that the cup will burn your hand as you’re drinking.

And if you order iced tea, you don’t have to worry about spilling it all over yourself as you walk to work or back home from the café! Again, the cup lid is usually free when you order from a coffee shop or café.

But if you order an iced beverage in a large paper cup and the lid on the cup is too small for your hand, you could always ask for a larger lid. Some places will even provide lids for paper cups that don’t come with lids, which is great for germophobes who want to minimize the risk of germs spreading.

6. They won’t break or stain easily when you carry them by the handle.

Coffee paper cups are won’t break or stain easily when you carry them by the handle. Yes, they’re cheap and disposable, but they’re also strong enough to hold the weight of a full or almost full cup without breaking, which is why they’re often used to make toddler cups as well as full-size cups.

And if you’re a bit clumsy or you have a tendency to drop things, you can rest assured that these cups are unlikely to break or stain when you carry them by the handle.

7. Even if there is a stain on the outside of the cup, it probably won’t affect how you taste your drink.

Even if there is a stain on the outside of the cup, it probably won’t affect how you taste your drink. This may seem like a strange benefit, but it makes sense if you think about it.

When you order coffee from a coffee shop, you usually don’t get the whole coffee pot: you’re given a single cup of coffee; this means that the coffee is already made: it’s already been brewed, poured into the cup, and left to sit for a few minutes. This means that the coffee is already cold by the time you get to taste it, and it’s been sitting in the cup long enough to cool down to a drinkable temperature.

8. If you make a mess, it won’t be as bad as with a ceramic mug because paper is easier to clean up!

If you make a mess with paper cups, it won’t be as bad as if you’d spilled coffee from a ceramic mug. This is because paper is easier to clean up than ceramic.




しかし、人々が忘れがちなことは、陶器のマグカップは重いということです。紙コップの約 2 倍の重さです。つまり、陶器のマグカップは落とすと危険ですが、紙コップは割れたり欠けたりしても捨てられるだけです。

10. そして最後になりましたが、ホットドリンクを販売している場所はほとんどの場合、わずか 1 ~ 2 ドルです。

紙コップでコーヒーを飲むことの最後の重要な利点は、ホットドリンクを販売しているほとんどの場所でコーヒーがたったの 1 ドルか 2 ドルであることです。紙コップの値段としては安いように思えるかもしれませんが、これらのコップは何回でも使えるということを覚えておくことが重要です。



